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Domina Liza of Derby


Domina Liza
Derby, United Kingdom

About Domina Liza
Domina Liza ~ a Paragon of English Femdom

A seasoned veteran with over twenty five years experience in BDSM and fetish including more than sixteen years and counting as a professional dominatrix, Domina Liza is confident, accomplished and competent in all areas in which she chooses to specialise. As well as owning her own private chamber where she operates exclusively, Domina Liza also makes and produces high quality femdom films.

Liza's style is her trademark...refined, innovative and timeless. Domina Liza is not limited to a single manner of bearing and can be cruel, nurturing, imperious and any number of natures in between. Through her experience Liza knows there is much more to domination than harsh words and physical pain, and demonstrates this effortlessly, discerning the appropriate style for each applicant based on effective communication, intuition and a creative imagination.

Above all Domina Liza is a human being and not a one-dimensional caricature of domination, and yes, she does have a wicked sense of humour!